MPA Programmes: Part-Time Option (2 years)
Our MPA programmes are also available as two-year part-time programmes. This involves completing 180 credits of study across two academic years (roughly 60 taught credits of study in each academic year, plus a further 60 credit project at the end of the second year).
The part-time option is provided in all MPA programmes for all eligible students The MPA programmes being offered in 2020 are;
- Digital Technologies and Policy MPA
- Development, Technology and Innovation Policy MPA
- Sustainable Infrastructures and Public Policy MPA
- Urban Innovation and Policy MPA
- Science, Engineering and Public Policy MPA
- *Energy Technology and Public Policy MPA (with UCL Energy Institute) PENDING APPROVAL
An outline of the part-time MPA structure is provided below. Please note that the structure below includes changes that have been proposed for 2020, which are currently pending approval.
Term 1 (Year 1)
- Public Administration (All MPA Students)
- Route Specific Module (each MPA has a route and disciplinary specific module in term 1)
Term 2 (Year 1)
- Knowledge and Governance (All MPA Students)
- Route Specific Module (each MPA has a route and disciplinary specific module in term 1)
Term 1 (Year 2)
- Policy Making (All MPA students)
- Evidence for Decision Making (All MPA students)
Term 2 (Year 2)
- Analytic Methods for Policy (All MPA students)
- Elective: Any UCL PGT module
Term 2/3
MPA Students have a choice of either
- MPA Individual Project
- MPA Group Project